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New Monastics

Image by Randy Fath

New Monastics and New Monastic Communities are welcome in this Order.   New Monasticism in this Order needs to include the following elements: 1. Full commitment to promoting generational revival and moving in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit within the context of their own Charismatic, Evangelical, and Sacramental ministry dynamic. 2. Practically living out the contemplative life. 3. Establishing a physically located community that offers hospitality and missional outreach.  Typically, that would be a communal home (an intentional monastic living community) or a communal gathering place (a Monastic Center).

Please contact our founding bishop of our Order if you have interest in being a Christian Brother or Sister (a monk) in this Order and/or establishing a new monastic community within the religious order of The Missioners of The Holy Spirit. Once a contact is establish, our bishop will send you an application packet.

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